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Practice Team

Practice Management

Rachael Dolan, Female


Laura, Female

Medical Secretary

Laura provides the secretarial service to all the GPs. She liaises with the hospital consultants and their secretaries. She is also responsible for operating the NHS e-Referral software that allocates hospital appointments. If you have any queries about your hospital appointments please contact her through reception.


The reception staff have a wide range of duties including arranging your appointments, taking your telephone calls, dealing with your repeat prescriptions, answering numerous and varied questions and offering help and assistance.

The reception will try to help you as best a they can so please do not be offended if they ask you questions about why you wish to book an appointment. They been asked to do this by the doctors, so they can ensure they are booking you in the best available slot for your problem.

Please treat the reception team with the same respect you expect from them.

  • Laura, Female
  • Ashton, Female
  • Megan, Female
  • Baraah, Female
  • Gemma, Female
  • Yasmin, Female
  • Kelly, Female